Clothes Freedom and the Media

Modern society places a lot of pressure on women to be attractive or at least a lot of women perceive that more pressure is placed on them to be attractive. As a result, a lot of females tend to compare themselves to other women who they are told fit the ideal standard of beauty, whether it’s a lady that lives down the street or an international celebrity.

           The problem is that after the comparison, a lot of women may think to themselves that they don’t add up and they don’t fit these standards of beauty. Movie stars, singers, media personalities etc. are thrust onto T.V. screens, movies and the media as being beauty ideals and there’s the subtle intimation that if you don’t look like these persons then you are not beautiful. Nothing is wrong with waking up in the morning and putting yourself together before you go out through the door, but that’s not what these celebrities do. Countless thousands of dollars are spent on their beauty regimen and the truth is that simply increasing the amounts of vegetables, fruits and nuts in your diet, vitamins and minerals, fresh air and exercise will actually give you similar results.

        Then there’s the media itself. The sheer amount of Air Brushing and Photoshopping that is done boggles the mind. Not to mention the long list of “fakes”; fake hair, fake teeth… it’s like a recurring decimal. What you find is that after all the fakeness and media control, the person that you see is a mere caricature of the original person. When a young girl sees these caricatures and thinks to herself that she doesn’t measure up, feelings of inadequacy and inferiority may develop. Self - loathing and shame are common among many females in their attitudes towards their bodies.

            Clothes Freedom is the practice of going without clothes either by oneself or in mixed gender social groups. Those who practice Clothes Freedom  do many social non-sexual activities including Swimming, Bowling, Board Games or they may go to restaurants or other Naturist venues. Naturist females see each other naked all the time and see each other as they are, without the fakeness and media hype.

      When a young girl watches television and sees media hyped, fake personalities and compare herself to them she feels that she isn’t good enough. She is also extremely curious about her peers and how their bodies are developing. There is extreme anxiety over invalid perceptions about what her body should look like, what the bodies of her peers look like and if she is “normal”, however, if she is allowed to see her peers without clothes, she immediately realizes that the bodies of her peers look like hers and they are the ones that are normal. She swiftly realizes that it’s the media hyped celebrities that are the fakes and that begins a critical psychological movement in her own mind about self-acceptance and self-love.  This is a tremendous confidence boost for a young girl who otherwise might go through life feeling depressed and insecure about her body.

            Naturism allows women to accept themselves as they are. They no longer compare themselves to unrealistic beauty standards and they know to themselves that they are enough.  Nudist girls can look themselves in the mirror and accept that their bodies are beautiful and they understand that when they have a healthy relationship with their bodies, their bodies will in turn take care of them.
         Accepting and loving the way our bodies look and function is a necessary component for our overall wellness and well-being. The Naturist realizes that when they work with their bodies rather than against it, beautiful things will occur; the body radiates an inner glow, the skin becomes lustrous and little gems like E.S.P. are frequent occurrences.
When you love your body, it begins to function optimally. This is the first step in managing illnesses and “dis-ease’. Naturism is a beautiful practice for women and young girls. Many issues that women in the textile world have are non-existent in naturist communities and homes. If the practice of Naturism was more widespread, that would cap and seriously reduce the amount of body shame that exists

Dale Harrison , , 

www.instagram com/daleharrison345 ,
