My Conversion

I currently live in  the Caribbean island of Jamaica where for all it's gorgeous beauty in the landscape there is still much work to be done regarding body freedom, body acceptance, body shame and guilt heavy religious morals.

It was into this setting that I was born some thirty odd years ago and while my family wasn't prudish we just simply never spoke of Nudism or nakedness.

Then at around 35 y.o. I was looking at some internet pictures when one photo in particular caught my attention. The caption was " Young nudist girl walking by the pond" it was the first time I had heard the term "nudist". I had no idea there were persons in the world who lived that way and i didn't understand why. I was shell shocked. The very next day I found and internet cafe and spent the next few hours pouring over nudist related materials and information. I was hooked. I few days later I found myself with some time alone at home and decided to try out this new found phenomenon. I needed to know what my reaction would be like and how I would handle it. I did a little housework and cleaned the rooms. It felt great. Next was sleeping without clothes. That was the first night... and every night ever since.

Fast forward to 2008 when I had my first social nudist experience. Y'see, some Nudism is practiced in Jamaica but only in high end resorts on the North of the island and there is a fantastic gulf that exists between the offerings for visitors to the island and the local experiences in terms of Nudism. Many resorts offer nude recreation, sports and even dining. A few resorts even have whole small reef islands dedicated to Nudism but not that local population would care anything of.

So I sauntered into one such resort one warm, sunny afternoon. I was on a fact finding mission. I wanted to know what my reaction would be to seeings other nudists, and who knows maybe I could make a friend or two.

It was one of my most surreal experiences leaving the changing room to walk out onto the sandy beach for the first time seeing a sea of naked persons some dancing, some playing games, some on surf boards or doing water recreation, all having a good time.  I quickly found a spot and settled in to what I was sure would be singularly one of my most unique experiences to that point.

I struck up conversations fairly easily with both genders.
 Some offered me beer (which I don't drink but I took a sip that afternoon) and others gave me first hand knowledge about the finer points of Nudism.

All in all it was an excellent afternoon. I did make new friends and had a ball. That was the beginning of many nudist adventures that I have had.

 If you're on the sidelines where Nudism is concerned, I do recommend that you give it a try. There are time honored rules and guidelines that govern nudist behavior at social nudist events and violaters are escorted out of the venue. Generally most concerns of Newby Nudists have already been addressed by the various clubs and nudist groups and of course if there are any further questions that you may have there's always a channel to have queries dealt with.

Dale Harrison
